HFA’s Response to COVID-19


The safety of our team members, customers, consumers, and community is HFA’s top priority.

Throughout our island and California operations, HFA has taken swift action to protect the safety of all our constituents.  We remain committed to providing the people of Hawaii with safe, high-quality food products during this difficult time.

We will continue to closely monitor the worldwide situation regarding the novel coronavirus (I.e. SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19) and quickly respond as conditions change.

HFA’s dedicated Health Team has deployed detailed pandemic protocols, which have defined clear procedures to protect the health and safety of our team members, customers and consumers.

Our HFA COVID-19 Coordinator is Filsann Mariteragi. She may be reached at [email protected] or 808-599-9875 if you have questions or concerns related to COVID-19.

Here are some of the ways we are protecting our Hawaii and California ohana during this time:

A Final Note 

We thank you for your partnership in feeding Hawaii.  We will continue to work hard to make your health and safety our top priority.

COVID-19 presents a dynamic and constantly changing set of circumstances and medical symptoms.  As such, recommended responses are changing and evolving, resulting in frequent modifications to conclusions and recommendations by CDC, public health officials and therefore companies.  For additional information, please reach out to [email protected].